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Un club de jeu de rôle à Bruxelles - Locaux disponibles 24h/24, 7j/7 - Six salles non-fumeurs - Avec le soutien de la COCOF et de la Commune d'Anderlecht
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Pensez à remplir les frigos pour les suivants. On aime tous les boissons fraîches Wink
Pensez à sortir les poubelles. Blanches et bleues le lundi soir, blanches et jaunes le jeudi soir.
Après 22h, fermez les fenêtres et faites attention au bruit, sous peine d'invoquer un voisin en colère niveau 35.
Pas le temps ou l'envie de laver vos couverts et assiettes ? Mettez les dans le lave-vaisselle !
Rappel : Le local de la cave appartient à Alpa et est strictement non fumeur.
Parler de jeu de rôle en se lissant la moustache et en se faisant des taches de sauce ? Les Spaghettis du MJ, c'est tous les mois A table
Tu ne sais pas comment ajouter une date au calendrier ? Tu en as besoin ? Voilà comment faire
L'ordinateur est votre ami. Souriez, citoyen.
Tu aimes le club, le gris et l'orange, tu peux acheter un T-shirt SDC. Sinon, achètes-en deux Mr. Green
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
"Personne n'a sorti les poubelles de la cour, l'odeur est infecte et remonte jusqu'au premier. Faites tous un jet de santé mentale."
Tu veux nous aider à nous faire connaître ? Tu peux utiliser nos signatures dans les autres forums de jeux Very Happy
Écraser ses ennemis, les voir mourir devant soi et entendre les lamentations de leurs femmes.
For the night is dark and full of terror.
C'est plus fort que toi. Dès qu'un mec se mouche, il faut que tu gardes la morve.
Pensez à remplir le frigo de potions avant d'aller combattre le mal. Ça soigne mieux quand c'est frais.
Ne fais pas attention à l'aspect rudimentaire de cette maquette, je n'ai pas eu le temps de la faire à l’échelle ni de la peindre.
Je suis très désappointé !
Tu as une grosse voiture et du temps ? On veut bien un coup de main pour faire les courses du club de temps en temps Razz
Some men just want to watch the world burn
J'adore qu'un plan se déroule sans accroc.
C'est à une demi-heure d'ici. J'y suis dans dix minutes.
Les dieux n’aiment pas qu’on ne travaille pas beaucoup. Les inactifs risquent toujours de se mettre à réfléchir.
Je suis désolé Dave. Je crains de ne pas pouvoir faire ça.
Chaussette !
Culture JDR : Darths & Droids (EN) ou (FR)
J'adore l'odeur du napalm au petit matin.
J'ai dégusté son foie avec des fèves au beurre... et un excellent chianti.
*scrontch scrontch* C'qui est embêtant dans les oiseaux c'est le bec. *scrontch scrontch*
Il ne fallait que cinq centièmes de secondes à X-OR pour se retrouver dans son scaphandre de combat.
J'aime ces petits moments de calme avant la tempête.
Ça ne compte quand-même que pour un !
T'endors pas, c'est l'heure de mourir.
Hulk... Smash.
Leeeerooooooooooooooooy Jeeeenkiiins !
Ni !
Mr Bond, vous avez la fâcheuse habitude de survivre
For the Watch...
Culture JDR : Dork Tower (EN)
I am the one who knocks.
Décidément les temps, comme les œufs sont durs.
Pour survivre à la guerre, il faut devenir la guerre
The cake is a lie
Il ne sait pas se servir des trois coquillages...
T'as pas une gueule de porte-bonheur.
I lost my marbles.
Si seulement les kobolds pouvaient venir et t'emporter... Immédiatement.
Il me faut la consolation des ombres et l'obscurité de la nuit.
Ecoutez, ça devient ridicule. Si on se met à discuter des problèmes, on ne fera jamais rien.
Donjons et Dragons ... La grande aventure ... Par-delà la raison ... D'étranges créatures ...
BREAKING NEWS : On a aperçu Thierry avec un ordinateur.
Le deal à ne pas rater :
Funko POP! Jumbo One Piece Kaido Dragon Form : où l’acheter ?
Voir le deal


 [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning

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17 participants
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 14:02

Felondra a écrit:
ROFL I'm sooooo gonna be a gnome-engineer in search of treasures from the past ROFL

Fun choice, I agree. What do you mean to do with those newfound treasures? That could give the guild a purpose
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1632
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 10:14

That's my big issue at the moment... I really don't know. I figured we could sell it to get on more exploration, excavation, selling, etc.

So, if we go that way, either we are looking for one (or a little number of) BIG artifact(s) (like the weapon you were talking about) and we sell the rest to finance our trips. Either we are a league of explorers or something, a band that seek for the past treasures for lore, to mount a collection (museum?), etc. A bit more Indiana Jones-like. And in this version we sell only what's necessary to finance our trips (and maybe we try to get a sponsor or two).

Else we have another matter that requires us to explore (in this case it's a bit back to "we sell what we find except for worthy-ones, just that "worthy" needs to be defined). Like we are adepts of an old religion searching for our lost god (this one pleases me ^^ ), or something.
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 10:25

Felondra a écrit:
That's my big issue at the moment... I really don't know. I figured we could sell it to get on more exploration, excavation, selling, etc.
What is exactly? Sorry I didn't get you.

The barbarian and I want fame through the guild (more than artifacts, though the barbarian wants one especially which may have make him choose THIS guild), so in that context I think the "club of explorer bringing exotic goods" fits us both better than the "we're looking for that ONE TRUE artifact". Besides, I think it will be easier for the GM to seel us various adventures, instead of having to twist them all to start with "you heard that the ONE TRUE artifact might be here this time" at the beginning of every new adventure. ... Though it would be really 80's. Laughing

Any news of our priest???

Felondra, if you want to be a melee rogue, we can do very fun combos if you want, if you stay close to me.

I'm not decided yet on which maneuvers I'll take, but have a look at them (p.74), I can attract attaacks on me instead of you (Disadvantage if other than me hit), I can make you move ½ movement without provoking opportunity attack (e.g. the rogue can go behind someone's back and stab?), I can have a foe drop his weapon (or any held item), I can trip, I can shove, I can frighten, I can give Advantage on next (ally's) attack, I can give you extra HP... We can combo good I think. ^^
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 11:18

I still need to have one date so i can prepare myself.
Felondra? Kyllian? 19 or 20?

And i'm pretty Sure that setting the date, and then as i post on the calendar, we'll fill the last two spots left...
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 12:02

His big issue is that he doesn't have a reason to collect those artifacts. Also, apparently he changed his profession recently.

A guild is basically a company. Thus it's goal is to generate profits. To do so we must do something or produce something useful to someone (otherwise we don't need the guild structure, we can just be a group of adventurers on a quest).

So the first question is: what is it?

So far the answer is "going dangerous places to find rare stuff". However if we have an engineer he could be doing something of all that rare stuff rather than selling it. Monster hunting idea fits well there: collect monster parts and transform them into something. Fame for everyone.

The second: who will be using it?

It could be collectors that just want to have (and maybe expose) it, people that want to use it (mages, nobles, military...) or prevent other people form using it.

So, Felondra, i'm counting on you to answer these questions. Kami and I are just muscle who coincidentally have interest in working with you for personal reasons. Thus you are the CEO from now on.
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 13:20

Oh yeah!! ^o^
Felondra! CEO! Felondra! CEO!
By the way, I’m insisting on it but (especially if we team combo), I’d be interested in having some cross background, more than just "I’m big muscle for hire" I want to be interested in this guild being this one and not anyone, and if I’m a good ol’ friend of its founder it is more appealing to me. n_n

A guild is also a mean to have a "face" and a place to be found. So happy clients will talk about us (this will be all about fame, won’t it? ^^) and it will be easier for those ears to find us and recognize us easily. Having a professional look.
Besides that, we can be "adventurers for hire" a.k.a go to various missions as long as we’re paid (and say no to too weird stuff). It can be compatible with the particular appeal for ancient artifacts, and we can have a special contract with some Baldur’s noble who has a cabinet of curiosities where he likes to display old stuff, and besides specified contracts, we bring him back stuff we found in exchange for gold (and fame as every label says "discovered by ××× guild").
Wouldn’t it be fun?? ^^ And my noble background would make a good excuse/use here, making me legitimate in that guild? ^^

By the way, Mister23: will all our missions be outdoor or we’ll we have in-town adventures too (I hope we have)?
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 300
Localisation : Ixelles
Date d'inscription : 31/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 14:23

mister23 a écrit:
I still need to have one date so i can prepare myself.
Felondra? Kyllian? 19 or 20?

And i'm pretty Sure that setting the date, and then as i post on the calendar, we'll fill the last two spots left...


I can only make it on Friday 18th. Sorry.
But run the game without me and I ll try to join you later if you allow me to do so.

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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 14:28

KamiSeiTo a écrit:

A guild is also a mean to have a "face" and a place to be found. So happy clients will talk about us (this will be all about fame, won’t it? ^^) and it will be easier for those ears to find us and recognize us easily. Having a professional look.
Besides that, we can be "adventurers for hire" a.k.a go to various missions as long as we’re paid (and say no to too weird stuff). It can be compatible with the particular appeal for ancient artifacts, and we can have a special contract with some Baldur’s noble who has a cabinet of curiosities where he likes to display old stuff, and besides specified contracts, we bring him back stuff we found in exchange for gold (and fame as every label says "discovered by ××× guild").
Wouldn’t it be fun?? ^^ And my noble background would make a good excuse/use here, making me legitimate in that guild? ^^

By the way, Mister23: will all our missions be outdoor or we’ll we have in-town adventures too (I hope we have)?

Congratulations. You just got appointed as a public relations officer.

My hopes that the guild management part will be reduced to "roll persuasion while in town" are slowly melting
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 14:48

I'll manage the persuasion and stuff, then. Except when it is to ask loaner to give us a bit more time... XD
I don't want most of the game in town, but I want a bit of game in town (at least some human social interactions) still!!

OK, Kyllian maybe later, then it will be the 3 of us... No healers... I'll build a something defensive maybe (for me and the gnome at least, the Mountain should do fine...??) with my maneuvers. I might rethink the "give temporary HP" things I wanted to rule out..

So our guild concept is between the 3 of us, then.
Felondra's dream made him deciding to make his own guild, he remembered an old friend/acquaintance (me) and motivated him in, I used my (scarce, since dad's fall) contacts to find a rich collectionner with a dream of cabinet of curiosities/archaeology findings, and... How does our Frost giant fits in it?? ^^'
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 15:19

We were going to somewhere, we got attacked and fought alongside. This got us talking and we learned that we both were looking for magical stuff, and said "let's do it together". Because you know, you are impressed by my fighting skills and I need someone who knows where to look for magical weapons. And since you fought my enemies you were deemed trustworthy.
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 15:25

80's style... n_n"
Fine by me! ^^
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 15:30

I can also imagine a story where I kicked your arse if you wish for more personnal bonds.

Dernière édition par Akanon le Mer 10 Fév 2016 - 15:45, édité 2 fois
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 15:39

Naah... That wouldn't be credible. This should be a story when I kicked your arse. ;P
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 15:47

First, it's very unlikely from a mechanical standpoint. I would outdamage you while soaking your damage like it wasn't there. We can make a test.

Then, from the narrative part: why would you associate with someone who did not impress you?

So check this:

We were doing the same dungeon separately. As adventurers never go straight ahead you two escaped a bunch of traps and killed few monsters on your way in. I'm not an adventurer so I went directly to the treasure room.

So we met next to the chest and had this that's mine - no mine dispute. We fought, and the thief didn't help because he was restrained by the spiders that sneaked in during the dispute. I was kicking your arse pretty hard when we were "suddenly" attacked by the spiders.

After dispatchnig them the "get us talking" part happened and we are buds now.

Dernière édition par Akanon le Mer 10 Fév 2016 - 16:15, édité 1 fois
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 16:13

KamiSeiTo a écrit:
By the way, Mister23: will all our missions be outdoor or we’ll we have in-town adventures too (I hope we have)?
R: Yes, mainly will be outside, but there'll be some in city drama... Aka adventure...
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 16:16

Chill, I was just kidding!! ^^’ (Though, for the record, I’d be interested to do that match, purely mechanically like "it never happened in the fiction").
Meeting you on the road where we were attacked was fine by me, though this Avengers-like team creation is fun too. n_n It looks like comic books. ^^’

By the way, I have a concern. I realize I’m not sure what "controller" means. What kind of actions/possibilities should I focus on? It seems I won’t be the most damage-dealing one nor the tankiest one (by what you say your clone would do that better) and you also imply the Rogue can manage himself by himself… What should my role do???

@Mister23: Cool!!! ^o^ Perfect! n_n
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 16:18

OK... So it's settle then... Our first game gonna be on the 19. I'll post on the calendar. Hopefully we get some new players also...
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 16:27

Control means preventing a creature from doing what it wants. Temporarily pulling a creature out of the fight by the means of: frightening, stunning, restraining, sleeping or other means is the best kind of cotrol (hard control). Early on the best for that is the spell sleep, which is like a nuclear missile of lvl 1.

There are also soft cotrols. Directing creatures attacks to you is one of them, though more useful in boss fights. That what you are well equipped for.

There are silences, ensnares and other partial controls to help in specific situations.

KamiSeiTo a écrit:
Chill, I was just kidding!! ^^’ (Though, for the record, I’d be interested to do that match, purely mechanically like "it never happened in the fiction").

The game is dice based so you can never tell for sure, but the scales are tipped in my favor because of "rage" ability. Once I rage I do 2 more point of damage than you, assuming we both have 16 str (which we probably do). It doesn't seem like much, but at lvl 1 It could allow me to one-shot you with a max damage roll (two shot is more likely).

I also have resistance to your weapon damage, which means your damage is halved. So you'll probably need 4 hits to down me.

You have second wind ability that can allow you to survive one more hit, but still. And our hit bonuses and AC are probably the same.

KamiSeiTo a écrit:

Meeting you on the road where we were attacked was fine by me, though this Avengers-like team creation is fun too. n_n It looks like comic books. ^^’
I wrote a story and I kinda like it now. It would be funnier this way.

KamiSeiTo a écrit:
What kind of actions/possibilities should I focus on? It seems I won’t be the most damage-dealing one nor the tankiest one (by what you say your clone would do that better) and you also imply the Rogue can manage himself by himself… What should my role do???

Damage cotrol. You can redirect attacks to you. If the creature decides not to it's even better. So take on the most dangerous creatures or protect the most wounded allies, depending on situation. You have moves that make you harder to hit. You also have a move that allows you to attack when someone misses you, which comboes well.

We are different kinds of fighters. You can avoid getting hit, I can eat the damage. But I can't penalize creatures that decide not to focus on me (which is the smart thing to do)
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 17:21

I have a technical question:
A and B are fighting. A disarms B (Fighter maneuver, for instance). What does it implies for B to pick his weapon up at his turn? He uses his Action? Some Movement? Does he grants an opportunity attack (for A who would’ve kept his Reaction, or for his ally C)? Can A do anything to prevent B from picking his weapon up, and if yes: what? (Like, in "real life", by stepping on the weapon or kicking it away, etc.)
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1632
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 17:38

Ooooooh, I buy the 80-style "meet on the road" story soooo much <3

I have another answer for the "transform monster parts" things: I could be creating safety/military/blablabla devices with what we find in the wild. We go hunting for rare creatures, ones who have rare abilities (diamant-hard, very poisonous, etc.).

So we have:

1) 2 guys, a bored-with-the-salary-life-engineer and an noble-who-wishes-the-world-to-know-about-daddy, meet and do business together. The engineer has the skills, the noble has the connections, together they put up a little guild that sell artifacts to a noble' curiosity-cabinet and some organizations that are interested in rare and inventive "technologies".

2) As they are pillaging... hum, exploring a long-forgotten temple, they are attacked by spiders. The gnome hold them off while the noble go in the chamber containing the artifact they seek when he's attacked by a psycho... Hum, a valliant warrior! After a fight between the noble and the warrior (in which the warrior had the advantage), the engineer break into the chamber followed by spiders. They bring their forces together, defeat the spiders and decide to include the warrior in the guild.

3) Now they start to have a valuable business in town and they begin to get known. Some contracts come in and blam! they can go on the road again!

Is that mostly it? How do we get the priest to get in that?

- I (the gnome engineer) would be the "boss" of the business, the guy who mostly decide what contract do we accept, etc. (It's all right cause I got massive intel and Wisdom, but few Charisma) + the man who knows how to get in and out easily when we have to.
- The noble (Kami) would be the "communication" man, the guy that deals with the customers and is the "public" face of the guild (do you have Charisma enough?)
- The fighter (Akanon) is the weapon of the group, the guy that can handle very bad situations (when the "in and out" thing fails, which happens... well, it happens)


Kami: In the new version, I don't have to be strictly "behind" the target for my sneak attack to work, it's enough that another ennemy of the target (e.g. you) is in melee with it and that I don't have a disadvantage against the target. So yes, I can stick to your boots and use your... ability to get hit in order to perform my tricks Smile

Dernière édition par Felondra le Mer 10 Fév 2016 - 23:19, édité 1 fois
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Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 17:44

KamiSeiTo a écrit:
I have a technical question:
A and B are fighting. A disarms B (Fighter maneuver, for instance). What does it implies for B to pick his weapon up at his turn? He uses his Action? Some Movement? Does he grants an opportunity attack (for A who would’ve kept his Reaction, or for his ally C)? Can A do anything to prevent B from picking his weapon up, and if yes: what? (Like, in "real life", by stepping on the weapon or kicking it away, etc.)

A: I'll be a good DM here and give you the answer... Yes he can pick up it again for free, in HIS round... But you can make it harden for him to do so yet on your turn... How?1 - IF you have a free hand you can pick it up for free (free interaction) 2 - Instead of picking it up, you can kick it for free up to 5ft +5ft per str mod (house rule) 3 - Stepping on it (contest str x str)
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1699
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 17:44

allow me to hop in for the technical question (most answers are found on the sidebar of page70 btw).
- you get one free interact with an object per turn (meaning your opponent on his turn could either pick up his weapon or draw another one but not both).
- if you want to disarm an opponent and then haven an ally kick it away, that ally would need to use the action "Ready and Action" which allows him to use his reaction to do just that on your turn or just act after you if his initiative is lower (but i guess you want to do that before the enemy get's a chance to act).
- you only get AoO when the enemy tries to disengage from combat without using the disengage action (and some others but they're all class specific cases), so no picking up the weapon won't trigger an AoO.

So why bother with disarming you're wondering ? If your opponent is disarmed he can't make any AoO himself which could allow one of your allies to escape unscathed using a Dash action past him. In the case of the fighter you get multiple attacks fairly early (two-weapon fighting and action surge come to mind), so you can use one attack to disarm him and another attack to push him back (that means your opponent is no longer in the same space he dropped his weapon and thus can't pick it up for free).

DM might have some house rules or on the spot rulings, so your mileage may vary.

Hope that helps.
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1699
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 17:45

hah we posted at the same time Very Happy, nice houserules btw, consider them yanked :-)
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 17:51

Felondra a écrit:
Kami: In the new version, I don't have to be strictly "behind" the target for my sneak attack to work, it's enough that another ennemy of the target (e.g. you) is in melee with it and that I don't have a disadvantage against the target. So yes, I can stick to your boots and use your... ability to get hit in order to perform my tricks Smile

Annnnnnd you don't even need to be close! Ranged sneak attack is real kkkk

By the way, i'm reading and just loving the story so far! And i'm trying my best here to put some infos for you guys also... Regarding Baldur's Gate... I tried last night but unfortunately I could not. Today perhaps, but until the weekend FOR SURE you have more information...

I'm dying to know the group name...
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2016 - 17:53

filwinn a écrit:

So why bother with disarming you're wondering ? If your opponent is disarmed he can't make any AoO himself which could allow one of your allies to escape unscathed using a Dash action past him. In the case of the fighter you get multiple attacks fairly early (two-weapon fighting and action surge come to mind), so you can use one attack to disarm him and another attack to push him back (that means your opponent is no longer in the same space he dropped his weapon and thus can't pick it up for free).

Nice insight. I never tought of it. Using it makes more sense know
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