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Un club de jeu de rôle à Bruxelles - Locaux disponibles 24h/24, 7j/7 - Six salles non-fumeurs - Avec le soutien de la COCOF et de la Commune d'Anderlecht
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Pensez à remplir les frigos pour les suivants. On aime tous les boissons fraîches Wink
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Après 22h, fermez les fenêtres et faites attention au bruit, sous peine d'invoquer un voisin en colère niveau 35.
Pas le temps ou l'envie de laver vos couverts et assiettes ? Mettez les dans le lave-vaisselle !
Rappel : Le local de la cave appartient à Alpa et est strictement non fumeur.
Parler de jeu de rôle en se lissant la moustache et en se faisant des taches de sauce ? Les Spaghettis du MJ, c'est tous les mois A table
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L'ordinateur est votre ami. Souriez, citoyen.
Tu aimes le club, le gris et l'orange, tu peux acheter un T-shirt SDC. Sinon, achètes-en deux Mr. Green
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
"Personne n'a sorti les poubelles de la cour, l'odeur est infecte et remonte jusqu'au premier. Faites tous un jet de santé mentale."
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Écraser ses ennemis, les voir mourir devant soi et entendre les lamentations de leurs femmes.
For the night is dark and full of terror.
C'est plus fort que toi. Dès qu'un mec se mouche, il faut que tu gardes la morve.
Pensez à remplir le frigo de potions avant d'aller combattre le mal. Ça soigne mieux quand c'est frais.
Ne fais pas attention à l'aspect rudimentaire de cette maquette, je n'ai pas eu le temps de la faire à l’échelle ni de la peindre.
Je suis très désappointé !
Tu as une grosse voiture et du temps ? On veut bien un coup de main pour faire les courses du club de temps en temps Razz
Some men just want to watch the world burn
J'adore qu'un plan se déroule sans accroc.
C'est à une demi-heure d'ici. J'y suis dans dix minutes.
Les dieux n’aiment pas qu’on ne travaille pas beaucoup. Les inactifs risquent toujours de se mettre à réfléchir.
Je suis désolé Dave. Je crains de ne pas pouvoir faire ça.
Chaussette !
Culture JDR : Darths & Droids (EN) ou (FR)
J'adore l'odeur du napalm au petit matin.
J'ai dégusté son foie avec des fèves au beurre... et un excellent chianti.
*scrontch scrontch* C'qui est embêtant dans les oiseaux c'est le bec. *scrontch scrontch*
Il ne fallait que cinq centièmes de secondes à X-OR pour se retrouver dans son scaphandre de combat.
J'aime ces petits moments de calme avant la tempête.
Ça ne compte quand-même que pour un !
T'endors pas, c'est l'heure de mourir.
Hulk... Smash.
Leeeerooooooooooooooooy Jeeeenkiiins !
Ni !
Mr Bond, vous avez la fâcheuse habitude de survivre
For the Watch...
Culture JDR : Dork Tower (EN)
I am the one who knocks.
Décidément les temps, comme les œufs sont durs.
Pour survivre à la guerre, il faut devenir la guerre
The cake is a lie
Il ne sait pas se servir des trois coquillages...
T'as pas une gueule de porte-bonheur.
I lost my marbles.
Si seulement les kobolds pouvaient venir et t'emporter... Immédiatement.
Il me faut la consolation des ombres et l'obscurité de la nuit.
Ecoutez, ça devient ridicule. Si on se met à discuter des problèmes, on ne fera jamais rien.
Donjons et Dragons ... La grande aventure ... Par-delà la raison ... D'étranges créatures ...
BREAKING NEWS : On a aperçu Thierry avec un ordinateur.
Le deal à ne pas rater :
Coffret d’outils – STANLEY – STMT0-74101 – 38 pièces – ...
21.99 € 49.04 €
Voir le deal


 [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning

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Le Golden D20
17 participants
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 14:05

Akanon a écrit:
Do you mean we start lvl 2? what does "PG3" mean?
A: yes, you all start at LVL 2... Ao that's why you know each other, and work together. PG 3 it's the page here in The thread where your character info is, in case someone  wants to see it.
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 14:56

More questions:

- Do you use traits/ideas/bonds/flaws? Can i pick/make my own?
- How do you give inspiration?
- Since you gave a gold amount, should I consider my character as having no equipment and purchase everything?
- Do i get to keep unspent gold from character creation?
- How much HP i get on lvl 2 (if it's a roll i can use roll functionality of the forum to generate the number)

Dernière édition par Akanon le Lun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:10, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:04

OK, I'll be more "town and people" oriented, then probably (I was thinking Noble background, considering what I wrote).

I have a question for the team : considering the different options I have, I'm hesitating and want to see with you for a well balanced group.
Between those two : should I be more damage oriented or protection oriented? By protection I also mean the one of allies (close to me).
As a controller, I was thinking more protection oriented, but if I team up with a bersertankr and a sniper (for example), it wouldn't make a lot of sense to be able to protect allies, where dealing more damage (multiple attacks in fact) would be better to protect just myself. ^^'

What do you think?
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:24

It depends on type of weapon you want to use. I think the group is solid overall, so you can go damage.

I will be a better tank anyway: the opponents will be able to hit me more easily (still, I have AC17) but they will deal little damage. On the other hand using protection style will allow me to use reckless assault safely. The thief is good at disengaging so he should be able to stay out of danger. If we had profane spellcasters I would say go protection, but we don't.

Overall the variation in numbers is low, so don't worry too much. As GM said, we can respec at lvl 3.
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:41

we don't have any thief. Wink
Weapon will be the classical sword, the choice is either dual wielding (basically +1 attack), or shield (and with appropriate class/skills/feats it is more than a AC+2, especially for comrades around me).
I'd probably be around AC 17 too.
I'll wait to see what Felondra and Kyllian do, they might be interested in close protection. n_n
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:47

Akanon a écrit:
More questions:

1 - Do you use traits/ideas/bonds/flaws? Can i pick/make my own?
2 - How do you give inspiration?
3 - Since you gave a gold amount, should I consider my character as having no equipment and purchase everything?
4 - Do i get to keep unspent gold from character creation?
5- How much HP i get on lvl 2 (if it's a roll i can use roll functionality of the forum to generate the number)

A: 1 - yes i use then, as they are my guideline to give inspiration... And yes you can create your own.
2 - you don't need to represent per say, but if i saw that you make use of this info ,i'll give you one... And the other way is when you have a great idea that can save the group... That's why i have said that not all problems are resolved by muscle.
3 - exactly that! Buy everything... Or use the BASIC gear given in creation and buy the rest with the extra gold.
4 - yes
5 - the first LVL it's full, and for the second OR you take half +1 ( example the Barbarina has d12... So 12 for the first LVL + 7 for the second), OR you roll the dice on the game day... For both ways you add after your constitution modifier.
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:48

Felondra wanted a rogue, so we have a thief (old term for rogue, and a specialisation now i beleive). Kyllian wants a cleric. That would be a "no squishy allowed" team.

I should have around 40 gold remaining, so if you can't buy small items (because you invest in armor for example) you can ask me

Dernière édition par Akanon le Lun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:56, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:54

Oh... I mistook rogue with ranger... ^^" OK, my bad. ^^'

I don't understand
Akanon a écrit:
"no squishy allowed" team
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:58

KamiSeiTo a écrit:
Oh... I mistook rogue with ranger... ^^" OK, my bad. ^^'

I don't understand
Akanon a écrit:
"no squishy allowed" team
Everyone can wear armor (I won't because i go classical norse style, but it won't hinder me) and have good AC + a bunch of hitpoints. Lowest hit dice in the group is d6, but the thief is good at not being hit.
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1632
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 19:09

Akanon a écrit:
Felondra wanted a rogue, so we have a thief (old term for rogue, and a specialisation now i beleive).

Yep, and I'm going for this spec so... we have a "thief" (I'd describe myself as an archeologist, but some short-witted used to describe me as a tumb pillager... until we had a little explanation. Smile

Some questions to the group ans GM:

1) So we know each other ok, but between the archeologist, the wildling and the city-noble, what's binding us together? What made us a team when we were sooooo joung and lvl-1ish :p ?

2) Do we get more gold/equipement for beginning at lvl 2? I ask cause I think I'll enjoy buying many little things to make a proper archeo-gear and I think it'll cost much :p

3) Do we have a group-alignment? I think I'm chaotic-good.

4) Mister, do you want us to send you a character sheet (in pdf format)?
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1632
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 19:17

ROFL I'm sooooo gonna be a gnome-engineer in search of treasures from the past ROFL
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 19:20

Felondra, answer to my question! ^o^"

1) Yeah, we'll have to think that through.
2) It's written in the first post.
3) It's written in the first post.
4) I think it's easy to find one online?
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1632
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 19:38

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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1632
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 19:40

UUUUuuuupppss Boulet Thanks for the answers, didn't see the first post since first time on the topic:flower:

Which question do you want me to ask? The "damage/protection" one? I don't know at all, seems like Akanon answered pretty well and he seems to know his stuff Smile
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Fév 2016 - 19:50

Felondra a écrit:
1) So we know each other ok, but between the archeologist, the wildling and the city-noble, what's binding us together? What made us a team when we were sooooo joung and lvl-1ish :p ?
A: I'll leave that for you guys, BUT if can't figure out something i got already the answer...

Felondra a écrit:
2) Do we get more gold/equipement for beginning at lvl 2? I ask cause I think I'll enjoy buying many little things to make a proper archeo-gear and I think it'll cost much :p
A: Starter equip (or gold) described on the player's Handbook + 75g

Felondra a écrit:
3) Do we have a group-alignment? I think I'm chaotic-good.
A: The answer for this is also in the first page... But to keep it simple, no restriction, BUT it's a hero campaign, being evil get's you more likely to get you in trouble.  

Felondra a écrit:
4) Mister, do you want us to send you a character sheet (in pdf format)?
R: If you could, that would be great (mister23@outlook.com)... And if with it there's also the background, then it's perfect!
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 0:00

Felondra a écrit:

1) So we know each other ok, but between the archeologist, the wildling and the city-noble, what's binding us together? What made us a team when we were sooooo joung and lvl-1ish :p ?

I'm on a lookout for an ancient weapon and you are a tomb raider. So it's works well together. Kami doesn't fit so I guess he must resign... Or answer the question of "why will I go somewhere where nobody but my companions will witness my awesome fighting style?"

Worst case we can still imagine some ancient curse that hit us all after that lvl 1 job and that we must dispell before X happens or suffer a terrible fate (but that's kinda cheap)

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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 0:15

One of us should have a reason he wanted to create a guild... Maybe our Tyr priest?
I joined the guild so I would get famous and my fighting style with it. Besides, I'm still far from mastering it so I need real situation practice. And I also need to prove its efficacy in every kind of situation. I'm the one with all reasons to be in that guild! ^^

I think I'll stick with the defense type character, and you'll all be thankful when you retreat close to me in hard times. ^^
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 8:49

I wouldn't join a guild. Some of you can be part of a guild but I will be there for some tomb raiding. I can be the guild's consultant as a wilderness subject matter expert if you wish.
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1632
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 9:59

So, my new concept:

I'm a former engineer who, one day, found myself more interested in discovering artifacts than building gears for rich people.

1 question for the GM:

1) Can I pick "member of a guild" as background? I've got in mind the possibility to be an ex-engineer for the Merchant's League in Baldur's gate, building them lockers and other safety stuffs.

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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 10:36

Eeeer… Akanon, I think you’re going against the initial proposition of Mister23, with that concept.
Read again the first post:
Mister23 a écrit:
The adventure will happen in the Forgotten Realms, and the players are part of a guild of adventurers who are trying to make Their name with the other factions (The guild name is up to you). For this reason, missions tend to be somewhat challenging, so be warned that losing the character is a real Possibility.
We’re supposed to be willing to make our own guild, make it reknown and glorious, this is the main purpose of the campaign he’s got in mind. What about the parts that are not outdoor? You’ll won’t assist to these sessions? You’ll play your character being somewhere else in the outlands? It’s not fair.
To my opinion you should either change of character concept, or adapt it so it fits with a desire to join a guild and make it famous!! All character should! That’s Mister23 initial premise and we shouldn’t hijack it.
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 10:48

@Mister23: Do you play with PHB Chapter 6 Customization options?
I'm asking for Feats (not for multiclassing).
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 11:18

Felondra a écrit:
Can I pick "member of a guild" as background? I've got in mind the possibility to be an ex-engineer for the Merchant's League in Baldur's gate, building them lockers and other safety stuffs.
A: Yes... The guild artisan background is exactly that ( PG 132 of PH)
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Intarissable moulin à paroles

Nombre de messages : 1749
Localisation : Wavre
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2015

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 11:22

KamiSeiTo a écrit:
Eeeer… Akanon, I think you’re going against the initial proposition of Mister23, with that concept.
Read again the first post:
Mister23 a écrit:
The adventure will happen in the Forgotten Realms, and the players are part of a guild of adventurers who are trying to make Their name with the other factions (The guild name is up to you). For this reason, missions tend to be somewhat challenging, so be warned that losing the character is a real Possibility.
We’re supposed to be willing to make our own guild, make it reknown and glorious, this is the main purpose of the campaign he’s got in mind. What about the parts that are not outdoor? You’ll won’t assist to these sessions? You’ll play your character being somewhere else in the outlands? It’s not fair.
To my opinion you should either change of character concept, or adapt it so it fits with a desire to join a guild and make it famous!! All character should! That’s Mister23 initial premise and we shouldn’t hijack it.

Forgot about this part. I can see myself being into "raise my reputation" thing (which is the same as raising the guild reputation, right?). I like boasting, and if we do stuff worth bragging about all should be good.

We kinda need to know what it is however. Adventuring guild usually means "kill monsters and bring treasure home", so these are probably the two guild performance metrics that will get us attention.

I also have a different character concept that fits better the guild and fame part and that is interesting to me. Just in case.

Point being: let's define our guild concept.

Dernière édition par Akanon le Mar 9 Fév 2016 - 12:10, édité 5 fois
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Beau parleur

Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016

[Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 11:23

KamiSeiTo a écrit:
@Mister23: Do you play with PHB Chapter 6 Customization options?
I'm asking for Feats (not for multiclassing).
A: Both things are available...  Feats if you're not an human ( variable) you can only get once you get to LVL 4...
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Nombre de messages : 4766
Localisation : Merode
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning   [Accueil][D&D 5e] English Campaign - A new beginning - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Fév 2016 - 12:09

@Akanon: Yeah, your concept like mine would like to shine through the guild, which is then more a way to "amplify" the reach our reputation can get.
Sounds interesting!! ^o^

I’m thinking Mister23, I don’t know if you planned to implement it somehow, but it would be interesting to "feel" the evolution of our reputation (whether via a mechanic way or just via the RP of NPCs, etc). It is the purpose of the guild, through it it would also be the purpose of my character and of Akanon’s, maybe others as well? (What is the gnome motivation to make our guild reputation thrive?? ^^ What is the priest’s? ^^)

Yeah, for feats I realized it's shooting myself in the knee to go for one at character creation (I'll go human). Feats are interesting, but I find them really costly compared to what you have to give in exchange...

Let's think about some fun (and pertinent) guild concepts!! ^^
Bring out the ideas!! n_n
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